Jumat, 30 Desember 2016

FFI Hoping Barcelona Futsal Indonesia Overachievers At The Hands Of Vic Hermans

Futsal Federation of Indonesia put great expectations create new coach Barcelona Futsal, Victor Hermans.

Chairman of the Federation of Futsal Hary Tanoesoedibjo, Indonesia, say, Vic Hermans would last a long time in Indonesia if increasing achievement.

"Contract Vic Hermans long, but later I'll continue extended he must show the achievements. There should be a development and improvement. If it wins the competition parameters, "said HT to Bolalob.

"If he can show achievements to issue contracts we close the eyes. The important thing at the moment is the increased achievement, "he said.

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FFI Hoping Barcelona Futsal Indonesia Overachievers At The Hands Of Vic Hermans

Futsal national team squads hope HT Indonesia has increased significantly under the care of the national futsal coach ex Thailand.
Star Angels Float S-One, waiting for the next official Indriyani extend contract to compete in the Pro Women's Futsal League (WPFL) 2017.

Fairest playing quite scintillating along Lampung Angels season 2016. Thanks to its action he was awarded a new contract by management. "We are waiting for the contract to extend the official season 2017.0" says Gerry as the media officer of the Lampung Angels S-One to Bolalob.

Lampung Angels myself just got the star futsal national team's daughter, Tia From Indonesia. Waiting for Bertahannya then any Angels Float could be a dark horse in the 2017.
Shock on the stock transfer Women Pro Futsal League (WPFL) 2017.

The unexpected star of the ICU moved to Bandung, Lampung Angels S-One. TIA From the always identical with UPI official contracted Lampung Angels S-One season for 2017.

FFI Hoping Barcelona Futsal Indonesia Overachievers At The Hands Of Vic Hermans

"Tia has officially contracted From Lampung Angels S-One for one season. From November until the WPFL 2017 ends, "says Gerry as the media officer of the Lampung Angels S-One to Bolalob.

Of course this being the big surprise. What's the next season, the last a full competition WPFL. Certainly the presence of Tia From increasingly add to the strength of the original team of Lampung.
Futsal Federation of Indonesia is serious enough to prepare the infrastructure for futsal in Indonesia.

Chairman of FFI, Hary Tanoesodibjo, confessed, have prepared a couple of acres of land for the first futsal infrastructure in Indonesia.

"The headquarters of futsal is being completed the design. We've been there three more acres of land and there are international courts. There are also facilities like mess, practice field and others. Complete lah, "said HT In Indonesia futsal, Congress on Thursday (30/11/1999) and then at the MNC Tower, Kebon Sirih, Central Jakarta.

This plan would futsal headquarters built around the number of the Taman Mini Indonesia Futsal national team to the benefit of and hosts the International agenda.
PSSI Chairman Lt. Gen. Edy Rahmayadi, appreciate and applaud with the work of the Chairman of the Federation of Futsal Hary Tanoesoedibjo, Indonesia, which promote futsal Indonesia two years later.

"I applaud the same. Under the conditions of the Organization in the PSSI, but can run properly. It could even put ink gold ranking ninth League in Asia. It shows Mr. HT can give you something to Indonesia, "said Edy In Indonesia futsal, Congress on Thursday (30/11/1999) and then at the MNC Tower, Kebon Sirih, Central Jakarta.

FFI Hoping Barcelona Futsal Indonesia Overachievers At The Hands Of Vic Hermans

Competition and development run FFI make Edy optimistic futsal can hit a target rating of four of Asia's future, let alone the current foreign trainers bring FFI.

"I see this active HT in terms of coaching, skill and quality coaches. We jagnan like a frog in the shell. Raw materials have, must also be balanced trainers that can bring skills and strategies. It will certainly be better going forward, "said Edy.

Her hopes future continue to make an impact-FFI slap real to the sport of futsal in Indonesia.
Biangbola have to admit the superiority of Vamos Mataram in test matches taking place on Queeen Futsal, Bandung, Friday (30/1/2016) yesterday.

Biangbola had to swallow the defeat of Vamos with the score 3-1. Results according to Panca Fauzi as coach Biangbola is a defeat that thankful.

"Thankful that we receive with the defeat because defeat that we receive in our trials will be more detail in evaluating the team for later the real program will later," says Coach Five to Bolalob.

This will still own Biangbola melakoni TC in Bandung just PFL 2017 in February next year. Biangbola itself is located in the Western region, along with a team of formidable IPC Pelindo II.
Vamos Mataram success defeating Biangbola in the test matches that took place at the Queeen Futsal, Bandung, Friday (30/1/2016) yesterday.

The match took place with Vamos defeated Biangbola by a score of 3-1. The third goal scored by Oggy Vamos Atman, Andri Kustiawan, and Bambang Bayu Saptaji. While one goal scored by Subhan Biangbola reply Faidasa.

This is a list of team Participants Women Futsal League Pro 2017

Women Pro Futsal League 2017 will be held at full competition system in which eight teams will meet each other.

Later, the WPFL 2017 will be held every weekend since 4 February until next May. If in a group two seasons ago, this time the WPFL 2017 there will only be one group only. So, eight teams will meet twice because it uses a system of Home-away.

There are no more final four in the WPFL 2017. The top team standings was crowned champion of the event.

To realize it, FFI plan also will form an Association for futsal coach to exchange ideas and information in a container.

This is a list of team Participants Women Futsal League Pro 2017

"Later Vic Hermans will help us futsal coaching method of rearranging. This is a great job. To help it to be set up forum communications Indonesia futsal coach, "said Edhi Joon, Secretary General of the FFI.

FFI invite coaches-coaches team pro League to be the establishment of this forum. They are ready to provide means for the coaches to gather.

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Later the FFI hoping this forum helps enhance science and developments as well as the futsal coach in Indonesia.
Netherlands coach work, Victor Hermans Futsal national team in Indonesia would quite heavy. In addition to bringing the overachievers, himself also had to deal with three national team at once.

The national team will he handle his plans is a senior, women and the U-20. But the work of Vic Hermans will be assisted by some assistant coach who is certainly a local coach.

This is a list of team Participants Women Futsal League Pro 2017

"We will take it to a local coach to be an Assistant. His coach will be selected. We do not want to pay top dollar for her own work, "said Edhi Joon, Secretary General of the Federation of Futsal Indonesia.

"Assistant coach will be absorbing the science of Vic Hermans," continued Edhi. Not only was later Assistant Coach Vic Hermans also commissioned to give courses to the local coach.
Victor Hermans futsal national team handling ensured Indonesia after it was announced by the Chairman of the Federation of Futsal Indonesia (FFI) Hary Tanoesoedibjo, in futsal Congress held Wednesday (30/11/1999).

Later, the former coach of the national team futsal Thailand it will handle the entire national team futsal in several categories.

"Vic Hermans is the head coach at all so the national futsal good senior as well as others," said Edhi Joon, Secretary General of the FFI. Surely this Netherlands coach will be assisted by Assistant coach who plotted in several categories this futsal national team.

FFI itself intends to form some of the senior futsal national team squads, namely, women's national team, as well as U-20 futsal national team. The third team will follow some of the event agenda in 2017.
Iran futsal national team players, Aliasghar Hasanzadeh was selected as the best players of Asian futsal in 2016.

Ali else grabbed the award for the second time, having previously won in 2014. Iran futsal national team gait finished ranked third in the World Cup Futsal 2016 makes her well-deserved best Asian futsal player.

At the Futsal World Cup on its own, a Ali scored 5 goals including while getting rid of strong teams to 16 of Brazil. He also successfully brought Iran into the Asian Futsal Cup 2016 in Uzbekistan at the beginning of the year. Total scored 7 touchdowns and became the best player of the diturnamen.

Night penganugerahaan the highest soccer Asian region or held under the name AFC Annual Awards 2016 own occasions held in Abu Dhabi on Thursday (1/12) night.

AFF Futsal Championship was sent to 2017, Vamos Mataram Ready Achievers

Vamos Mataram officially became the representative of Indonesia to compete in AFF Futsal Championship 2017 which took place in Thailand in April.

Cory Handoyo or usual saluted Coach DH actually see less technically good for Vamos which at the same time undergoing a League. But, in order to bring the good name of the country, in fact the achievers ready Vamos.

"Actually, in this less than ideal technical create travel Vamos in the League because the time clashed with the League's schedule," said Coach DH to Bolalob.

"However, because this event also brought the good name of the nation we will attempt everything possible achievements there," pungkasnya close conversation.
Victor Hermans officially became coach of the national team of Indonesia futsal started Janauri 2017.

AFF Futsal Championship was sent to 2017, Vamos Mataram Ready Achievers

Dadang Iskandar as the caretaker coach of futsal national team when it welcomes the arrival of Coach Vic. Coach Dee hope with dikontraknya foreign coach can increasingly promote futsal Indonesia.

"Yes, he is the coach of experience, may be able to bring progress to the football and futsal national future," says Coach Dee to Bolalob.

Coach Dee himself never met Coach Vic when both coaches were equally deal with the national team, national team Coach along with Dadang futsal and Coach Vic handle Thailand national team. In the semifinal match at the AFF Futsal Champiosnhip 2014 in Malaysia, Thailand win thin over Indonesia with a score of 1-0.
National team matches against Indonesia Viet Nam first AFF Cup semi-final dileg 2016 was not missed by original beautiful Jaya Kencana goalie Angels.

Image Adisti willingly spend an evening together watching time with week national team defeated the Viet Nam with the score 2-1 at Pakansari Cibinong Stadium on Saturday (3/12) night. The victory makes love to a Saturday night this image while nobar with friends Arena FC in Cilandak Town Square.

"Watch in Citos in Excelso Caffe same friends Arena FC because abis main us too," says the image to Bolalob.

AFF Futsal Championship was sent to 2017, Vamos Mataram Ready Achievers

"Udah gitu timnasnya win so seneng banget," this beautiful goalie pungkas closing talks.
National team matches against Indonesia Viet Nam first AFF Cup semi-final dileg 2016 was not missed by the retainer Vamos Mataram.

The players who are being mengikuri Vamos tournament in Sukabumi like watching movie together when the national team beat the Viet Nam with the score 2-1 at Pakansari Cibinong Stadium on Saturday (3/12) night. The victory was greeted happily by the retainer Vamos.

"We have in Sukabumi nobar because again participated in the tournament," said Bambang Bayu Saptaji Vamos retainer to one of the Bolalob.

Surely the community that Indonesia could not be watched straight to take the stadium to watch on the screen glass. The spectacle undoubtedly make the football lovers love to absurdly because Indonesia defeated the Viet Nam.
After almost six years defending UPI Antam futsal team from Bandung, Tia From ultimately chose to leave on the next Float to 2017 League Angels S-One.

This thunderous Sumedang confessed saddened by this decision. How not, the ups and downs of his career traversed in this campus team.

AFF Futsal Championship was sent to 2017, Vamos Mataram Ready Achievers

"I am sorry to have to make this decision, UPI was like a second family for me. those who guide me along, engga maybe I can forget the UPI, "From said.

"UPI will always be in my heart. but often there is always a change in this life, and I have to make a decision to follow changes imaginable. This decision easy ga, is one of the tough decisions I have to make, wrote "next player ever futsal national team strengthening.

Although invited, From claiming to still will continue to love the campus have been raising them.

"but although later on the field I play with a different jersey colors but we keep families off the field. I can't wait the next change will also be on in the piece my life recently, "wrote pungkasnya.
Iconic players, Tia Bandung From UPI, surprisingly chose docked to Lampung futsal team Angels S-One.

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Although heavy, From acknowledging the decision to leave it because of sheer imgin looking for challenges and new experiences in his career.

"Yes I nyari experience recently. While still young, "said From the brief.

"The jelaa UPI will always be in my heart. But often there is always a change in life, and I have to make a decision to follow the changes that are there, "he said.

From hope these changes make it develop in a positive and reach for more achievements
Iran again confirmed themselves as the best in Asian futsal. After successfully reaching the third stage in the Futsal World Cup 2016, three players Iran Asian footballer of the year nomination.

Of the three candidates, Aliasghar Hassanzadeh, was finally selected as the best players. This is for the second time he received the same degree once never direngkuh in 2014.

Kamis, 29 Desember 2016

Official: Lampung Angels S-One Player Get Back UPI Bandung

Lampung Angels S-One player get back UPI Bandung to strengthen them in the Pro Women's Futsal League (WPFL) 2017.

Mila Nurkamila defending UPI Bandung 2016 season certainly strengthens the Lampung Angels for the WPFL 2017. Mila was contracted during a season since December.

His return followed the star of UPI who had first joined, Tia From. The presence of Mila of course increasingly add to the strength of the Lampung Angels to compete in the WPFL later.
Futsal team of the Eastern Star Surabaya arrived in Japan on Sunday (4/12/2016) to roll out a free trial at sakura.

BTS squad departing from Surabaya using Cathay Airways flight to Hong Kong. Forwarding to the squads from Hong Kong International Airport Narita, Chiba Prefecture, Japan, 9 pm.
Futsal national team new coach arrival Indonesia origin Netherlands, Victor Hermans. Later Vic Hermans will handle some of the category's national futsal.

Official: Lampung Angels S-One Player Get Back UPI Bandung

In addition to addressing the national futsal squads, Vic Hermans will also be "squeezed" the science is in Indonesia. Federation of Futsal futsal trainers want to Indonesia have a new exercise method which later transmitted Vic Hermans.

"Selatih train, this head coach makings monitor work, selection and reorganized the futsal coaching methods in Indonesia," said the Secretary General of the FFI, Edhi Joon.

For it later Vic Hermans will give courses and briefing to futsal trainers in Indonesia. "Our baseball people want to pay costly just to train," said Edhi.

VIC Hermans itself is indeed notable active coaching courses and giving coaching clinic. Himself is one FIFA futsal instructor.
Jaya Kencana futsal team Angels begin preparation for Women Futsal League Pro 2017 beginning this December.

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The exercise was held in JK JK Angels Futsal, Pamulang, Tangerang Selatan. "Yes we've begun practicing with the squad," said Captain J. Angels, Anggi Puspitasari. But this exercise is done run without a coach.

Official: Lampung Angels S-One Player Get Back UPI Bandung

"There has not been a coach indeed but we still exercise," continued Anggi.

According to Anggi, the problem of coaches still waiting from management JK Angels. "We are waiting for from the management," body size.

JK's own Angels management has not yet decided whether returning hoggard Andre Picessa or not.
Team futsal putri Jaya Kencana Angels have started practicing at the beginning of this December for preparation of facing the title Women Futsal League Pro 2017.

Defending champion WPFL potluck on the field practicing this JK Futsal, Pamulang, Tangerang Selatan. "Yes we've begun practicing with the squad," said Captain J. Angels, Anggi Puspitasari.

But the exercise has been entering JK Angels special preparation and just to maintain the condition of the course.

This is due to the presence of a coach yet to handle direct team that also won the AFF Futsal Club 2016.
Malaysia coach, Qusmaini Noor, would handle the BJL futsal team 2000 Shiba Semarang in Futsal League Pro 2017. But almost simultaneously, while her contract offer also approved that the Brunei futsal national team given.

Well how Qusmaini can set the two teams at the same time, in two different countries? the former coach of the Quilmes Sabah expose the recipe.

Official: Lampung Angels S-One Player Get Back UPI Bandung

"I do have to adjust the time is how, Probably after the AFF Cup will focus here. But for sure I will adjust how his plan so that the observed anyway, "said Qusmaini.

The Brunei team must prepare itself to face the AFF Futsal Championship 2017 on 23-31 January in time is less than two months.

"I'll stick to Brunei to set program. We also assisted the Assistant coach and will be monitored by the Assistant coach, "said Qusmaini.

BJL squads 2000 Shiba itself already will roll out the centrality of practice in mid-December.
The arrival of coach Malaysia, Rusli Noor Qusmaini, brought a fresh breeze create squads BJL 2000 Shiba Semarang.

Qusmaini, would bring a style of play and tactics that he had learned already from various world-caliber coach like Miguel Rodrigo Jose Pazos, Sergio Mendes and Gargelli. This style he had been named, Modern futsal.

"The players this BJL average already five years together and their chemistry is already strong. In posture and speed already fit in with the modern understanding of futsal now, "said Qusmaini to the Bolalob.

"It is my target to want to make a special team created special dna bjl. Like to expose our way of playing and would there be the hallmark that will entertain the audience, "said Qusmaini.

Qusmaini hope skuatnya is able to adapt to his style and was able to expose the modern game at once entertainment.

Kamis, 22 Desember 2016

Juventus Story This Season Is Similar To The Film Gladiator

Agent Mino Raiola told not unlikely striker Zlatan Ibrahimovic was willing to pay was lowered to join AC Milan on a stock transfer this summer.

Thursday (5/4/2016) local time, Raiola said the Brazilian could return to the San Siro.His statement makes Milan became enthusiasts who are in the front line to hook the bomber Paris Saint-Germain.

The Brazilian's contract at PSG will end this season. Sweden is also the origin of the bomber was reluctant to extend contract at PSG.

"If the Brazilian could return to Italy? Perhaps, there are negotiations which are already underway, "said Raiola as reported by Corriere della Sera.

"Whether it's Milan? Yes. The Brazilian has shown amazing attitude, even answer millions of money to go to Milan. However, so far he has not yet decided anything, "he said.

Juventus Story This Season Is Similar To The Film Gladiator

Ibrahimovic is a great player who never been in uniform for Milan in 2010 to 2012.During his career with the team called the I the Rossoneri, Ibrahimovic has collecteda total of 56 goals.

Before Ibrahimovic also had type associated with some of the Club's Premier League, a competition that hasn't been dicicipinya all along his career.

Manchester United, Arsenal, Chelsea, and West Ham United interested obtaining touted striker unintentionally.

The Juventus striker, Paulo Dybala, comparing the progress of Juventus this season with a colossal action film entitled Gladiator.

Juventus started the season 2015-2016 with bad and out the top of the Serie A standings.

However, since it was able to rise and won 25 of 26 Serie A game they come out aschampions.

Having trouble in the beginning and in the end make Dybala judging acts Juventus just as Maximus Decimus Meridius played Russel Crowe in the movie which was released on May 1, 2000.

"I really like the Gladiators. Like us, Maximus Decimus Meridius are not getting good early reviews. Then his wife and son were killed, "says Dybala.

"However, with the inner strength he could kill Commodus. Such is his desire, just asour desire to win the Scudetto by exerting all ability, "he said.

Maximus Meridius is a former General of the wars that vowed revenge for the death of his family by the King of Commodus.

King of the corruptor and immoral is a figure who took power by killing his own father.

He also ordered slaughtered the family of Maximus Meridius.

Juventus Story This Season Is Similar To The Film Gladiator

Gladiator was filmed in Ridley Scott's film a success at the box office and also futurecritics. The film won the awards for Best Film and best actor Academy Award and three other Academy Awards performance-73.

AC Milan became the clubs that are on the leading line in an attempt to get a sharpstriker, Zlatan Ibrahimovic (34 years).

The situation created after Ibrahimovic's agent, Mino Raiola, said his client a chance to return to the San Siro on Wednesday (5/4/2016) local time.

Ibrahimovic is a great player who never been in uniform for Milan in 2010 to 2012.During his career with the team called the I the Rossoneri, Ibrahimovic has collecteda total of 56 goals.

The Brazilian's contract at Paris Saint-Germain will end this season. Sweden is also the origin of the bomber was reluctant to extend contract at PSG.

The certainty of a sudden degrading into a series of speculations. One of the strongest is a rumor from the Brazilian moved to the Premier League, a competition that hasn't been dicicipinya all along his career.

Juventus Story This Season Is Similar To The Film Gladiator

Manchester United, Arsenal, Chelsea, and West Ham United interested obtaining touted striker unintentionally. However, it now appears most likely other, i.e. return ofIbrahimovic to Milan.

"Ibrahimovic might return to Milan," said Raiola as reported by Corriere della Sera.

Agent of top football players also talked about two other large clients, Mario Balotelli and Paul Pogba.

He defended the performance of the Trophies continued to decline. This season's 25 year old bengal striker that just scored three goals alongside Milan.

"Trophies? If he has a head like Ibrahimovic, Messi will win the Ballon d'Or, "said he.

Talking about the rumors about the growing Pogba, Raiola was impressed. News reserved interest in Chelsea against his client that was just short with dijawabnya.

"Pogba to Chelsea? Not now, "he said.

Inter Milan back failed to step up to the Champions League. Real Madrid are in the spotlight because it failed to realize the targets defined by the management of the Club early in the season.

News reserved Inter without Mancini next season is already starting to breathe because the team is assessed a total failure. The news that the more toned after losing 0-2 to Inter from Lazio on Wednesday (1/5).

Mancini could not agree and the judge still no positive side which can be used as the base create a build team better next season.

"Journey of the season was not a disaster and fan should know. We are in the top four, behind three teams are well prepared, "said Mancini in Lazio opponent ahead of the Club's site.